Abiotic Factors
Abiotic Factors are non-living chemical or physical factors that affect both organisms and organisms within that ecosystem. The main aboitic factors within our ecosystem are Soil, water, air,sun and temperature. Below are images of the abotic factors found within our ecosysytem and a breif explanation of each.
Soil - Soil as a water filter and a known habitat for many organims; soil is linked to air,water,rocks. Soil is used to filter water, when it rains the soil acts as if it was a sponge, soaking up water within the ground. The water either moves ungeround to lakes,aquaifers and eventually flows into the ocean or taken to plants,microbes and other biotic factors. Soil is also considered the "stomach" of conversation of waste products into new items that can reused by other organisms.
Temperature - The entire ecosystem is affected by when the tempeture changes with the seasons and the weather becomes warmer/colder. Temperature aloows organisms to adapt. (In cold enviornments organims develop feathers,thick hair, store more fat)
Air - Air is composed of numerous gases. One gas is oxygen, oxygen is the very last electon accepter of the ETC within the mitochondria. Without oxygen, the transportation of electrons would cese which eventually would lead to complete cessation of chemiosomosis that produces 34 ATP molecules per glucose. With no oxygen at all the cell can only produce 2 ATP per gucose wich is not enought to support life. Nirt
Water- Organisms need water to survive simply because water keeps the osmotic pressure within the cell stable. Water is also used to transport both food and waste within an organism's body. Water plays a role in dissolving chemicals the cell needs in order to function and survive.Also cells need water to survive becuase all chemical reactions take place within water.
Why plants need Sunlight to survive:
Plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce energy and in return produces oxygen. Photosynthesis is the process in which planst convert energy from the sun. During Photosynthesis the energy gained from the sun splits water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. Also the sun helps plants produce glucose as their food source.