Energy Pyramid
An energy pyramid is a display of how the amount of energy transferred from one organism to the next through the process of consumption....
Symbiotic Relationships
Parasitic Parasitic relationships occur when two organisms connect, one of the organisms benefits, but the other is harmed by what other...
Food Webs
Food Web A food web is a system of food chains which connect and interact with each other. Food Webs basically make up the entire system...
Food Chains
What is a food chain? A food chain is a sequence of links within a food web beginning from a producer species such as grass,tress,fungi...
Energy Transfer Types
Autotrophs Autotrpohs are organims that store chemical energy within carbohydrate food molecules that are built by themselves.However,...
Types Of Organization
Organism- An organism is a single life form which is alive and can function. very organism has a system inside that allows it to live and...
Every organism has particular living conditions that they need in order to survive. Every organism has a preferred environment which the...
All About Niches
A niche is the role of an organism or species within an ecosystem or its habitat. Their role within their habitat is their niche. Down...
Interactions between Abiotic and Biotic Factors
An ecosytem is composed of both abiotic and biotic fcators. Both factors work together to ensure the survial of eachother. Examples of...
Abiotic Factors
Abiotic Factors are non-living chemical or physical factors that affect both organisms and organisms within that ecosystem. The main...